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Our History

Our Story

The vision of creating a sanctuary in Ransom Canyon grew out of prayer and faith. Divine order brought it into completion. When a small group of ladies formed a Bible Study group in 1973, love and caring earned them the title "The Share Group."

The Dream

Their dream was to find a spot in our beautiful Canyon to dedicate to the Lord. In 1983, the death of their Bible Study leader, Linda Shavor, inspired them to establish a memorial fund that might grow and enable them to find the right spot to dedicate to the Lord. They were led to the most beautiful location in Ransom Canyon--a boxed canyon at the north end of Brookhollow. Little did they know, with the addition of other memorials, lots of prayers, and other donations, the dream of a little chapel in the wildwood would become a reality.



Without funds, plans, or space, but influenced by Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” they took their dream to the community. The response was a flow of donations and offers of materials and labor. Five years later, on June 26th, 1988, the Little Chapel of Brookhollow was dedicated to the Lord. The dream of 1983 became a reality. Glory be to God!


Inspiration and a New Beginning

The Chapel became a vibrant and uplifting portion of the Canyon. In 1998, the first regular Sunday service was held, beginning a practice of inviting ministers from local churches to conduct services. In 2000, the Chapel met the requirements to become a church and event venue. 

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